I love doing smaller to medium pieces as well. I find it to be nice. I work on a lot of larger pieces that can take a year or several years to complete so sometimes it's nice to have that instant gratification for me and the client. Here's a sampling of a few recent one shots I've done.
Mermaid thigh piece.

Dragon and glowing yin yang coming out of mist on back.

Raven and pine branch on ribs.

Tanuki(Japanese raccoon dog) on ankle.

Dragon on chest and shoulder.

Traditional style dad representation. On fore arm.

Mom rose on back of arm.

Black bunny and cherry blossom on fire arm.

Dragon on ankle/shin/foot.

Rose on arm?

Eagle on thigh.

Bat with key and bow on thigh.

Cover up. Spider mum on bicep.

Japanese wood block style of pacific northwest landscape. 1/2 sleeve.

Roses and dagger on fore arm

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