Saturday, February 12, 2011

Get the shit out

Well, not to much happened today. Went into the shop and worked on a drawing for a t-shirt. Then worked on a sketch for a octopus half sleeve. My mind was all over the place today, one of the days I hate being an artist by trade. I hate it only because I need to keep myself in shape mentally inregards to drawing and making art. So, even on days where it seems like I just can't put a line in the right place. I will force myself to at least work on Somerhing. It doesn't have to be perfect, hell, more often then not in these situations it looks like crap. But as an old artist friend told me years ago. "you have to get the crap out, in order to make way for the good stuff." this statement I have held close for many years.
So as I sit at work, with pencil in hand. Wanting more then anything to just go and sit and watch tv, or read, or shoot the shit with a friend, I push on. And eventually Something comes.

So, remember in those times of artistic dumbfoundedment. Just push on. Get the shit out!

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Tattooer in Seattle, WA, USA. Tattoos at Under the Needle Tattoo. 2118 2nd Ave. Seattle. WA. USA.
